The report is a product of Clair (an acronym for Comprehensive Luxury Appraisal Index for Resale), Rebag’s digital handbag appraisal software first launched in October of 2019. The software, which can determine the value of handbags from a list of more than 50 brands and 10,000 bags, allows users to obtain the resale price of a bag or accessory. The premiere Clair Report includes a real-time price tracking functionality that lets users trace the historical evolution of resale values. As an added feature, users can now “follow” Clair Codes that they want to track in order to get updates on price changes, helping them to determine the best time to sell a bag.
The Clair Report has also tracked the handbags that have retained the most value in 2020, reporting Hermès handbags in the number one spot, maintaining, on average, 80% of their value. Chanel and Louis Vuitton were shown to have a 63% average value retention. Dior and Bottega Veneta have grown the most between 2019 and 2020, respectively moving from 43% to 56%, and from 28% to 38%. Looking forward, the report predicts that “handbags’ scarcity, such as the Louis Vuitton Eva Crossbody, which currently trades 84% over retail, will result in the resale value possibly skyrocketing.“Since launching Clair in October 2019, our submissions have almost tripled,” said Charles Gorra, chief executive officer and founder of Rebag. “We see that as customers validating our approach to providing radical transparency. The resale industry is constantly changing. The Clair Report is our way of tracking those changes, sharing them with the public, and empowering consumers to make informed decisions and investments.”